Library & Research

LibraryBFI Library

Access to a major research collection of documentation and information on film and television. The priority is comprehensive coverage of British film and television, but the collection itself is international in scope.

LibraryProposed changes at the BFI Library

Frequently asked questions that explain in more detail the rationale for proposed changes and what this will mean for users.

Film and TV DatabaseFilm & TV Database

Search through information on over 800,000 film and television titles, 1.2m people and over 200,000 organisations - as well as festivals, awards and other events - from all over the world, dating from the beginning of film production.

Researchers' guideResearchers' guide

A one-stop-shop of resources and information to guide your research and help answer your queries. Including a directory of key contacts, a guide to useful web sources, a searchable registry of moving image researchers active in the UK and more.

Archive researchArchive research

For the basics on how to start searching for past film and TV programmes, see our guide to accessing archive film and television. The BFI's own archive - the BFI National Archive - is one of the world's greatest collections, offering a Research Viewing Service for educational users and non-commercial researchers. Producers, filmmakers and others can access extracts through our Archival Footage Sales.

PublicationsDownloadable resources

Free to download publications produced by the BFI to help you research all aspects of film and television.


From checking DVD availability to organising a public screening, with resources and information for your region.


In-depth features and resources: filmmakers, actors and other personalities in the film industry; subjects and genres in film and television; and charts and polls on film and television.

Last Updated: 14 May 2012