The Best Music in Film

Guy Hamilton

(Battle of Britain, Goldfinger, Force 10 from Navarone)

S&S: What is your favourite film soundtrack music and why do you like it so much?
"The Third Man (1949). Carol Reed having discovered the zither had to fight a long and thank goodness battle to resist a bog standard orchestral accompaniment. With a single instrument, Anton Karas supplies the feel of Vienna, tension, suspense and a sense of grandeur."
S&S: In what ways does music best enhance a film?
"I cannot improve on Maurice Jaubert's "We do not go to the cinema to hear music. We require it to deepen and prolong in us the screen's visual impact."
S&S: Which film either has music that you wished you'd written or is one you would like to rescore and why?
"Battle of Britain (1969). Sir William Walton's masterly ' Battle in the Air '."
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2008