The Best Music in Film

Paul Morrissey


S&S: What is your favourite film soundtrack music and why do you like it so much?
"On The Waterfront (1954) by Leonard Bernstein. It's the best piece of music by any 20th century composer for any film"
S&S: In what ways does music best enhance a film?
"Music seems to me at it's best when used, not for mood or drama but to enhance the emotional content of a film."
S&S: Which film either has music that you wished you'd written or is one you would like to rescore and why?
"Although I've done films with non-stop dialogue and without any music at all, in Beethoven's Nephew (1985), to tell the final 20 minutes of the story I used the entire 20 minutes of the 3rd movement of the 9th symphony, with almost no dialogue during this long sequence, hopefully telling a composer's story through hi music. Whether it was “effective” or not isn't for me to say, but I thought so."
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2008