The Best Music in Film

Mamadou Diabaté

(Composed the music for Moussa Sène Absa's Madame Brouette)

S&S: What is your favourite film soundtrack music and why do you like it so much?
"My favourite music track is Titanic (1997). I like the emotion of the movie, it gives you the same feeling that the music plays. Celine Dion's voice brings you to the past and the deep feeling from that time period."
S&S: In what ways does music best enhance a film?
"Music helps explain the action. Sometimes when you're watching a movie, you know when the good and bad action is coming from the way the music sounds. Music gives vibrancy to the movie."
S&S: Which film either has music that you wished you'd written or is one you would like to rescore and why?
"I like documentary movies and would like writing music for this type of movie. Movies about adventure also are interesting to me for writing music."
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2008