The Best Music in Film

David Mansfield

(Composed the music for Heaven's Gate and Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood)

S&S: What is your favourite film soundtrack music and why do you like it so much?
"Anton Karas' The Third Man (1949) because I am a string player and so much enjoy the virtuoso performance on the Austrian zither. And it lives totally independently from the film while serving it perfectly."
S&S: In what ways does music best enhance a film?
"Music best enhances a film when it amplifies the subtext rather than the text, when it has a life of its own rather than mimicking the surface emotions of the actors or the primary emotions evoked by the action. Also less is more."
S&S: Which film either has music that you wished you'd written or is one you would like to rescore and why?
"In an age when film composers are replaced as frequently as screenwriters and are seen as completely disposable the term "rescore" has a rather offensive ring to it. And if there is a film score that I truly wished I'd written, that only means I never could have written it."
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2008