The Best Music in Film

Francis Ford Coppola

(The Godfather, The Conversation)

S&S: What is your favourite film soundtrack music and why do you like it so much?
"The Thief of Baghdad (1940), also, Spellbound (1945)- - the same composer, actually. They are just memorable, seemed to catch the essence of the film. But there are many great ones. I thought the recent work of John Williams on Catch Me If You Can (2002), was a great score, wonderful orchestration...really helped the film work very well."
S&S: In what ways does music best enhance a film?
"Music is a big factor in helping the illusion of the film come to life. The same way music brings back different periods of our lives."
S&S: What is the most effective sequence of music in your own films?
"I liked the use of the single piano in The Conversation (1974)."
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2008