

THE "BOUNTY" FILMS  (Unrealised Film Project, 1977 - 1980)
Folder containing a number of different versions of Robert Bolt's first draft screenplay for "The Long Arm": i) First draft screenplay, incomplete, nd...

THE "BOUNTY" FILMS  (Unrealised Film Project, 1977 - 1980)
Typescript: "The Long Arm: a brief synopsis, from page 19 onwards, January 1979....

THE "BOUNTY" FILMS  (Unrealised Film Project, 1977 - 1980)
Leatherbound copy of script, labelled "The Long Arm" First draft screenplay photocopy, Robert's first eighty pages, Tahiti, 1979....

THE "BOUNTY" FILMS  (Unrealised Film Project, 1977 - 1980)
Typewritten alterations to the script, nd....

THE "BOUNTY" FILMS  (Unrealised Film Project, 1977 - 1980)
Typescript: Notes on the script for "The Long Arm", [? David Lean], nd....

