
THE "BOUNTY" FILMS (Unrealised Film Project, 1977 - 1980)

Item id: DL/12/27

Description: Background material: i) Photocopy of article: 'Some remarks about the mutiny of the Bounty' by D. Bonner Smith, pp. 201 - 237 of unspecified work, nd. ii) Photocopy of reviews of "William Bligh of the Bounty in fact and fiction" by H. S. Montgomerie, Williams and Norgate Ltd. and "John Fryer of the Bounty: notes on his career, written by his daughter Mary - Ann, with an introduction and commentary by Owen Rutter, The Golden Cockerel Press, 1939, both written by Geoffrey Callender, nd. iii) Photocopy: "The Morrison myth" by Ida Leeson, nd. iv) Photocopy of article: 'More light on Bligh and the Bounty' by D Bonner Smith, pp.211 - 228 of unspecified work, nd. v) Photocopy: "H. M. armed vessel Bounty" by C. Knight, unspecified work, nd. vi) Photocopy: extract from "Navy of Britain", author and publisher not specified, nd. vii) Photocopy: "Sealife in Nelson's Time" by John Masefield, (without the appendix outlined on the contents page), Methuen and Co., nd.

