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Unfortunately this issue has sold out from our back issues department. However selected features and reviews are available here. Please view our back issues page for more information about obtaining previous months issues, dating back to 1995.
In the 1979 television thriller Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, middle-aged men in darkened rooms plot each other's downfall and bemoan the loss of Empire. Rob White is enthralled.
Inspired by the music industry's hounding of Napster, Hollywood is preparing for a stand-off with internet video pirates. Danny Birchall assesses its chances. Plus interview with MPAA boss and Barbra Streisand fan Jack Valenti.
The House of Mirth, a sumptuous adaptation of Edith Wharton's novel, marks a triumphant change of direction for Terence Davies. Philip Horne explains its virtues and talks etiquette and music with the director.
No one divides critics quite like Harmony Korine. But it's his celebrity image the press are obsessed with, not his film-making talents, argues Danny Leigh.
Werner Herzog drew on a true-life incident for his 1974 film The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser. But its tentative, dreamlike drift shrouds even the most concrete of facts in mystery, argues Jonathan Romney.
With O Brother, Where Art Thou?, the Coen Brothers take an Odyssean trip to their folk roots. Kevin Jackson approves.