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Please view our back issues page for more information about obtaining previous months issues, dating back to 1995.
Bald, gangly and nervous-looking, Alastair Sim was one of British cinema's great eccentrics. And among its finest actors, argues Michael Brooke.
Alain Delon and Monica Vitti adorn L'eclisse, a chilly, formally daring tale of a brief relationship that is the crowning moment for Michelangelo Antonioni's brand of stringent modernism. Guido Bonsaver explains the director's appeal.
Cannes Special Reporting from a vintage Cannes festival, Nick James is cheered by a strong line-up from big-name auteurs. Plus Ali Jaafar on cinema from the Middle East, Jonathan Romney on the laughter of critics and Andrew Pulver on a very British controversy.
Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins returns to the caped crusader's comic-book origins. Kim Newman identifies the influences.
With the imminent release of Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds, Sylvia Hardy assesses its original author H. G. Wells' contribution to early cinema.
Olivier Assayas' Clean has a strong lead role for Maggie Cheung, his former wife, and a note-perfect evocation of the grungy fringes of contemporary rock. The director talks to Jonathan Romney.
The force of the new Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith is with us at last. It looks much better than it sounds, says Kim Newman.