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Please view our back issues page for more information about obtaining previous months issues, dating back to 1995.
D.H. Lawrence's iconic tale of unbridled passion has had many interpreters. But none has captured its title character's sensual awakening as effectively as Pascale Ferran in Lady Chatterley. Geoffrey Macnab talks to the director
Can cinema change the world? Mark Cousins believes it can. And to prove it, he's selected ten films from Europe, Asia and the US whose repercussions transformed the social, legislative or political climate
Documentaries have been part of cinema history from the Lumières to Michael Moore, using the poetic and the political to expand the language of film. By Michael Chanan PLUS The S&S timeline chronicles a century of reality on screen
The British documentary movement that grew tall around John Grierson marshalled avant-garde aesthetics in the service of social change. Geoff Brown celebrates the centenaries of Edgar Anstey, Humphrey Jennings, Paul Rotha and Basil Wright
How has big-screen documentary rallied from half a century of neglect to become newly fashionable in the 21st century? Nick Fraser reports PLUS Charles Gant picks out the top performers at the UK box office
This year's Edinburgh International Film Festival opens with Hallam Foe, a blinding Oedipal drama set in the Scottish capital. Ben Walters reports PLUS Nick James talks to DoP Christopher Doyle about filming Gus Van Sant's skater-boy movie Paranoid Park; Jonathan Romney previews Yella, Christian Petzold's cold take on modern life; Will Lawrence talks to comedy guru Judd Apatow about his new film Knocked Up; and Charles Whitehouse on Li Yang's tale of kidnapped brides, Blind Mountain
Has New Argentine Cinema pioneer Pablo Trapero sold out? Not once 'Born and Bred' discards its veneer of designer chic to reveal an austere portrait of grief played out in bleakest Patagonia, says Maria M. Delgado
Lindsay Anderson's seething tirade against the system is one of British cinema's true rites of passage, writes Tim Lucas