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Please view our back issues page for more information about obtaining previous months issues, dating back to 1995.
Martin Scorsese rates Thorold Dickinson's Gaslight as superior to George Cukor's lavish remake. He tells Philip Horne about Britain's unluckiest film-maker.
Jane Campion's In the Cut a steamy New York tale of female masochism, shows following your instincts is safer than doing what your mother told you, says Graham Fuller.
Clint Eastwood has returned to pre-Dirty Harry days to make a crime film that matches the best of his Westerns. Adrian Wootton dissects the moral universe of Mystic River.
In Zatoichi Kitano Takeshi has reinvented Japan's most popular 1960s film hero. He tells Tony Rayns why he added a male geisha and a tap-dancing finale to the mix.
Jane Campion tells Lizzie Francke about screen sex where the woman stays on top. Ben Walters on S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine, Nick James on The Decay of Fiction and the Sight & Sound LFF top ten.
The Coens' Intolerable Cruelty may become their most popular movie yet, but it offers little to fans of their subversive imagination, says Ben Walters.