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Unfortunately this issue has sold out from our back issues department. However selected features and reviews are available here. Please view our back issues page for more information about obtaining previous months issues, dating back to 1995.
Pennies from Heaven was more than a typical song-miming product of Dennis Potter's warped genius, it also fits in the tradition of European responses to the Hollywood musical, argues David Jays.
With Björk plausible in the lead role and her true pop self singing her own songs, what else is it about Lars von Trier's anti-musical Dancer in the Dark that has so divided the critics, asks José Arroyo
To celebrate the centenary of Luis Buñuel, the Spanish master of anti-narrative, Michael Wood recalls one of the director's most evocative mazes, The Phantom of Liberty
With its soap opera-as-catalyst plot and its romantic happy ending, some see Nurse Betty as a redemptive move for sour director Neil LaBute. Peter Matthews begs to differ.
A masterpiece without pity or a longwinded, po-faced bore? Mark Cousins and Jonathan Romney take sides on Bruno Dumont's controversial arthouse epic of guilt and humane empathy
With Bryan Singer's X-Men, the distinctive, troubled universe of Marvel Comics superheroes has at long last hit the screen in all its complex, multi-character glory. Kim Newman approves
Mike Figgis' Timecode unfolds on four screens in real time. Xan Brooks thinks it works both as a drama and as a bold experiment in video technology.