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Unfortunately this issue has sold out from our back issues department. However selected features and reviews are available here. Please view our back issues page for more information about obtaining previous months issues, dating back to 1995.
Fritz Lang's visionary German films have been wrongly vilified by some as proto-Nazi. Here Thomas Elsaesser celebrates the Dr Mabuse cycle in which Lang's themes find their clearest distillation.
Tim Burton is not the only creative force behind Sleepy Hollow, which may be why it's pitched between horror and the spoofery that made his name, argues Kim Newman.
Tony Rayns examines the career so far of Wong Kar-Wai, director of Ashes of Time, Chungking Express and Happy Together, whose much imitated style reshaped 90s cinema.
Director Sam Mendes thought he was making a whimsical Coen-style romp, but American Beauty turned out to be darker, sharper and more poetic than anyone expected. By Philip Kemp.
The making of classic cop thriller The French Connection involved traffic violations, visits to drugs dens and gangsters demanding a say in the casting. Mark Kermode reports.
Rauúl Ruiz's Time Regained, a masterly adaptation of the final volume of A la recherche du temps perdu, is closer than anyone could have hoped to the holy grail of Proustian cinema. Jonathan Romney doffs his hat.
Angela's Ashes, Alan Parker's latest, looks great and is beautifully crafted, but it also shows up the differences of adapting a very literary work for the screen, argues Nick Roddick.